The Priority of the Visible Church

The Priority of the Visible Church

The Priority of the Visible Church The church is visible. As our Savior took on flesh in his Advent, the Church takes on flesh in carrying out his purposes. It meets, sings, prays, preaches, elects officers, breaks bread, baptizes members, and enjoys fellowship. Our...
A Long Journey of Faithfulness

A Long Journey of Faithfulness

A Long Journey of Faithfulness Andy Raynor chuckles when he says Wilson Presbyterian Church, where he pastors, is “conveniently located off of I-95.” He knows it sounds like a line from a commercial, but Andy loves his church and hometown and would sell anyone on...

PCA Trademark Policy

PCA Trademark Policy BOARD OF DIRECTORS POLICY REGARDING THE PCA®  Updated 10-2022 BD-10/97-1   MSP that the Board of Directors adopt the following policy regarding the PCA®: PREFACE Since 1974 the Presbyterian Church in America has used the initials “PCA” to identify...
Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart

Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart

Ukraine Captured Larry’s Heart Larry, pictured here on his first trip to Ukraine in 1998 with Sergey and Lyuda Betin in front of the Christian Clinic Sergey founded. Sergey is now a pastor in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. For months, Ukraine has captured the world’s...