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Promoting the Peace, Purity, and Mission of the PCA

Since 1973, the Administrative Committee has connected and convened the Presbyterian Church in America. We serve churches, presbyteries, and the General Assembly with timely advice and action to keep its ministries moving forward.

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2024 General Assembly

Beyond the Business:

3 Additional Benefits of the PCA’s General Assembly

Anyone who has attended a General Assembly understands this annual gathering is significant not only for the business to be discussed and decided but also because of the relationships developed and activities that occur beyond the business. The General Assembly provides three benefits to the unity, purity, and mission of the PCA beyond the business it considers.

Bridging Cultures:

The Transformative Work of Translating the Book of Church Order into Spanish

Overcoming many obstacles since the General Assembly’s approval for translating the Book of Church Order (BCO) into Spanish, the PCA Administrative Committee (AC) is making significant strides that will help the denomination welcome, bless, and serve the Hispanic community. At the forefront of this transformative project is Luis Garcia, a dedicated PCA church planter and chairman of the Spanish BCO review committee.

Update on Overture 13 from the 51st General Assembly

In response to Overture 13, the 51st Assembly commended this letter regarding gender reassignment for minors written by the commission of the 50th General Assembly as biblically faithful and encouraged sessions and presbyteries to communicate this to their local and regional governments.