Behind the Scenes
A Report of the PCA Administrative Committee
A Letter from Bryan Chapell
Christ loves giving gifts. He is a generous King. Instead of hoarding the spoils of His resurrection victory, Jesus chooses instead to shower His Bride with gifts. As Paul says, “When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men” (Ephesians 4:8). We shouldn’t be surprised when we look around at the Presbyterian Church in America and see Christ’s gifts on display.
Our Risen Savior has provided the PCA generous gifts to help us realize our mission of being faithful to the Scripture, true to the Reformed Faith, and obedient to the Great Commission.
- Christ has provided people skilled in Biblical languages and exegesis to provide teaching and tools enriching our understanding of God’s Word.
- Christ has provided officers who are committed to the church’s constitution and polity to keep us true to the Reformed Faith.
- Christ has provided ministry leaders gifted in church planting, campus ministry, foreign missions, disaster relief, and benevolence to help us fulfill the Great Commission.As your Administrative Committee, we get a front-row seat to watch Christ build His church through men and women, young and old, officers and members. Since the founding of the PCA almost fifty years ago, we’ve been entrusted with the task of connecting the various parts and activities of the denomination to each other. Our General Assembly standards even refer to the Administrative Committee as having a “unique role” in the life of our denomination as it connects the different parts of Christ’s body for His witness and work (RAO 5-4).
The Administrative Committee gives thanks for the gifts of Christ’s church that help us facilitate and further united faithfulness for the Kingdom goals of our Ascended Lord. Every year, generous churches and individuals share their resources so we can continue to help the PCA further its unity, purity, and mission.
Will you and your church please consider a gift to support the work of the Administrative Committee. Every gift matters! Thank you for your generosity and for contributing your gift to strengthen the churches and advance the mission of the Presbyterian Church in America for Christ’s glory.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Bryan Chapell
Stated Clerk
Presbyterian Church in America
We Promote:
We serve by facilitating communication and coordination for all PCA ministries.
We serve by helping every court, committee, and agency comply with our constitutional standards.
We serve by providing churches and presbyteries with resources and tools to advance their ministry and mission.
…promote the UNITY
General Assembly (GA)
Organize every aspect of the PCA’s annual gathering, from negotiating with city officials to organizing the docket and enabling commissioners to do the work God has called them to do for His church
Nominating Committee
Coordinate communications and meetings for the NC, which recommends qualified officers to serve on the committees and boards overseeing the work of PCA organizations
Cooperative Ministries Committee (CMC)
Facilitate the work of the CMC to foster cooperative ministry among all committees and agencies
Administer and fund our official denominational magazine
Interchurch Relations Committee (IRC)
Maintain and coordinate communications between other like-minded denominations and our IRC
…promote the PURITY
Standing Judicial Commission (SJC)
Facilitate the work of the SJC as it adjudicates matters of doctrine and justice governed by the Rules of Discipline
Committee on Review of Presbytery Records (RPR)
Coordinate the RPR to enable representatives from all our presbyteries to gather and review records so we can hold one another accountable to our shared mission and commitments
Theological Examining Committee (TEC)
Organize the TEC to preserve the original vision and ongoing integrity of our leaders by examining committee and agency leaders’ theology
Committee on Constitutional Business (CCB)
Provides advice to the Stated Clerk and the Assembly concerning questions or overtures from presbyteries affecting the Constitution of the PCA or proposed amendments to it
…promote the MISSION
Pastoral Search
Maintain an online pastor search tool for churches and ministers and provide other support for pastoral placement
Presbytery Clerk Support
Answer the inquiries of presbytery clerks about PCA constitution
and administration
Study Committees
Facilitate committees who study issues of importance to the church
Historical Center
Oversee and fund the PCA Historical Center, which stores records and artifacts from our denomination
Some Assembly Required
How GA Gets Made
2018: GA prep begins four years in advance.
Four years in advance, the AC decides on a host city. To do this, they check things like the quality of the convention center and whether a city has enough hotel beds.
Next, the AC begins the negotiation process, working to get hotel rates down for commissioners and other GA attendees.
Once the contracts are signed, a host committee is formed. They plan the worship services, line up speakers, plan the women and family events, and organize volunteers.
About a year out, the host committee picks a theme for the next year’s GA and they work with the AC to market and distribute that theme.
As the date nears, the AC and host committee finalize the day-to-day schedule for the seminars, meetings, and sessions.
When the event arrives, a force of volunteers descends on the center to set up IT, to help with registration, ushering, serving communion, and printing bulletins. We’re then excited to welcome everyone to the Assembly.
Our Financials
To see our full financial statement, click here.
2023 Budgeted Comparison of Program and Administrative Expenses
91.11% | $3,248,702
8.89% | $317,129
Percent of 2023 Budget in Each Cost Center
Total AC Budget = $3,565,831
A Letter From John Robertson
A word of heartfelt thanks is due to all of our PCA churches and individuals who have given so generously to sustain the PCA by their financial gifts to the PCA Administrative Committee over the COVID years of 2020 and 2021! The PCA AC is the hub, the connecting point, for the organizational structure of the PCA. Without a connectional point it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to stay on mission and maintain the kingdom work to which we believe the Lord has called the PCA.
The PCA is scheduled to hit a mile marker in 2023 with, by God’s grace, the celebration of our 50th anniversary. Various expense estimates in these budgets help pay for the celebration amount, totaling approximately $200,000. $80,000 goes to publications, $5,000 for help from the Historical Center, and $45,000 is devoted to the General Assembly expense accounts. Another $70,000 is estimated for personnel, travel costs, and other expenses within our cost centers.
Also throughout the budget there are increases as we expect some modest but healthy growth, as well as the reality of inflation being at 8%. To reach this budget, contributions and earned income need to total almost $3,600,000. We estimate that contributions will need to be around $1,900.000 and that the remaining amount coming from earned income should total almost $1,700,000.
We believe this is a reasonable expense for connecting the PCA and helping to move forward the evangelical, Reformed church and mission that God in His providence has so generously given us.
Our request to our churches remains the same as it has been. Would you please endeavor to give in the financial range of 0.35% of tithes and offerings, or, if you prefer to give by per capita, $8 per member. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus,
John W. Robertson
PCA Business Administrator