Looking for a new pastor for your church?
The Pastor Search Office is available to assist you with the suggestion of names of potential pastors. Use the resources below and your church will be matched with pastoral candidates based on the information from their Ministerial Data Forms (MDFs). Approximately ten or fifteen MDFs will be sent to you for your review. More names are available at your request.
Request the Pastor Search Process Packet
which includes instructions on how to organize a Pastor Search Committee and select a candidate.
Submit a Church Profile form
This enables you to receive Ministerial Data Forms of potential candidates and/or describe your church to potential candidates.
Post a Job Opening
Complete this form to post a ministry position on our pastor search page.
Download the PCA Call Package Guidelines
Request a confidential pastoral compensation study.
For a confidential pastoral compensation study, please contact stats@pcanet.org. Please be sure to include your location, size of church, and the position you are looking to hire to ensure pertinent information is sent.
The selection of a minister for your congregation is a very personal matter and cannot be made simply through a database match-up. You will present your choice of a nominee to your congregation based on the information you gather, references with whom you talk, and your personal interviews. Please note that the MDFs that you receive do not constitute an endorsement by our office.
Have questions? Contact the pastor search office at pastorsearch@pcanet.org.
To receive a physical packet of information on the pastor search process in the mail, which includes the Church Profile Form, please call the Stated Clerk’s Office/Administrative Committee at (678) 825-1000 or email Karen Cook at pastorsearch@pcanet.org.