Inside The Numbers Of The PCA With John Robertson

Dear PCA Church Family,

COVID-19 and the year 2020 will not soon go out of our human memory banks! Children yet unborn will have the tales of our adventures, and God enabling, our thanks and praises for how he brought us through. 

Budgets in the PCA are spending caps, and like every PCA Committee and Agency, the Administrative Committee must have the budgeted income before we can spend for the budgeted expenses. This has always been a challenge for us—our PCA churches are generous and globally reaching, spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Sometimes this means that our infrastructure, that which we rely on to function but find it hard to think about, is left on the budgetary cutting room floor. 

In Covid-affected 2020, we have worked hard to cut our budgeted expenses by almost 25%, and as we look to 2021, several variables still confront us. The largest variable is “will we have General Assembly this next year?” We would expect this Assembly to bring in needed income of about $700,000— through commissioner fees, exhibitors, and sponsors. We are now working diligently toward having that Assembly in St. Louis with the help of a hard-working Host Committee.

Whether we have this coming year’s General Assembly or not, we remain dependent on significant church giving! Your giving pays our people but also helps churches find new pastors, sets up a new church plant’s non-profit status, connects all denominational agencies in vital ministry, and securely stores the history of the PCA. Please give generously to the PCA Administrative Committee. Our total budget is expected to be $2,600,000 of which $1,500,000 would be from contributions. 

We aren’t changing our ask this year, but that means we need new churches to come on board and our already giving churches to increase if they can! Would you give $8 per member or 0.35% of your total Tithes and Offerings? And thank you very much for the gifts and contributions which have been given to the PCA Administrative Committee over the years.

John Robertson
Business Administrator

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1700 North Brown Road
Suite 105
Lawrenceville, GA 30043


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