47th General Assembly Exhibitors

Are you looking for ministry resources and partners? Please see the list below for organizations that exhibited at the 47th PCA General Assembly. This list is in alphabetical order and our sponsors are highlighted according to their sponsorship level: Gold, Silver, or Bronze.


Organization Website/Contact Information Description
18.26 Network (MTW) http://www.1826network.com/ MTW Ministry – Vocational Missions
A Cup of Water International http://givetodrink.org/ Missions organization
Accordance https://www.accordancebible.com/ Bible study software
ACS Technologies https://www.acstechnologies.com/ Technology solutions for faith-based organizations
African Bible Colleges http://africanbiblecolleges.com/ College
American Heritage Girls https://www.americanheritagegirls.org/ Christ-centered scouting program
Army Chaplain Recruiting https://www.goarmy.com/chaplain.html Military
Banner of Truth https://banneroftruth.org/us/ Publisher
Belhaven University http://www.belhaven.edu/index.htm College
Bethany Christian Services https://www.bethany.org/ Children and family ministry
Birmingham Theological Seminary http://bts.education/ Seminary
Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Co. https://www.brotherhoodmutual.com/ Insurance provider
byFaith Magazine http://byfaithonline.com/ Online magazine of the PCA
CDM + Church Management Software http://www.cdmplus.com/ Church software
The Chalmers Center https://www.chalmers.org/ Ministry to reach the poor
Children of Abraham Ministries http://www.coabraham.org/ Ministry to the Arabic community
Christian Focus Publications https://www.christianfocus.com/ Publisher
Christianity Explored USA https://www.christianityexplored.us/ Ministry training
Covenant College https://www.covenant.edu/ Official college of the PCA
Covenant College Graduate School of Education http://grad.covenant.edu/ Official college of the PCA
Covenant Theological Seminary https://www.covenantseminary.edu/ Official seminary of the PCA
Created for a Purpose https://createdforapurpose.org/ Creative arts program ministry
Crossway Books & ESV Bibles https://www.crossway.org/ Publisher
Crown & Covenant Publications https://www.crownandcovenant.com/ Publisher
CTK Boston Church Planting Center https://www.ctkboston.org/ Church planting in Boston
Dallas International University https://www.diu.edu/ College
Edinburgh Theological Seminary http://www.ets.ac.uk/ Seminary
Embers to a Flame http://www.emberstoaflame.org/ Ministry training
Equipping Leaders International http://equippingleadersinternational.org/ Ministry for leaders
Erskine Theological Seminary http://seminary.erskine.edu/ Seminary
Evangelism Explosion Int. https://evangelismexplosion.org/ Evangelism training
Great Commission Publications https://www.gcp.org/ Publisher
Greenville Seminary https://www.gpts.edu/ Seminary
Harvest USA https://www.harvestusa.org/ Ministry for those affected by sexual struggles
Highland Theological College https://www.htc.uhi.ac.uk/ College
Indigenous Ministries – North America MTW https://mtw.org/teams/NorthAmerica/native-american MTW Ministry
The Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship https://ibcd.org/ Christian counseling training
Institute for Creation Research https://store.icr.org/ Ministry that researches and provides education on creation
I.T.E.M., Inc. www.item.org Pastoral training ministry
Interim Pastor Ministries http://www.interimpastors.com/ Ministry for churches and interim pastors
InterVaristy Press https://www.ivpress.com/ Publisher
Jesus Film Project https://www.jesusfilm.org/ Evangelism ministry
The Jude Project https://www.judeproject.org/ Biblical illiteracy ministry
LAMP https://pcamna.org/church-planting/church-planting-ministries/lamp/ MNA Ministry – Ministry training for men
Life on Life Ministries https://www.lifeonlife.org/ Discipleship ministry from Perimeter Church
Lifeline Children’s Services https://lifelinechild.org/ Ministry for adoption and foster care
Marketplace Chaplains https://mchapusa.com/ Chaplain care ministry
Metanoia Prison Ministries https://pcamna.org/metanoia-ministries/ MNA Ministry
Mehr Reformed Ministries https://mehrministries.org/ Provides biblical training for Farsi-speaking Christians
Mid-America Reformed Seminary http://www.midamerica.edu/ Seminary
Middle East Reformed Fellowship https://www.merf.org/ Missionary organization
Ministry Brands https://www.ministrybrands.com/ Family of Christian software companies
MinistrySafe https://ministrysafe.com/ Helps ministries meet legal standards of care and reduce risk of sexual abuse in children’s programming
Ministry to State https://pcamna.org/ministry-to-state/ MNA Ministry
Ministry to the Military and Internationals http://www.ministrytothemilitaryinternational.com/ Establishes churches overseas for U.S. Military personnel
Mission to Italy https://missiontoitaly.com/ Ministry for Italy missions
Mission to North America (MNA) https://pcamna.org/ North American ministry – Committee of the PCA
Mission to the World (MTW) https://www.mtw.org/ Global ministry – Committee of the PCA
MNA Chaplain Ministries https://pcamna.org/chaplain-ministries/ MNA Ministry
MNA Engaging Disability https://pcamna.org/engaging-disability/ MNA Ministry
MNA ESL https://pcamna.org/esl-ministries/ MNA Ministry
MNA Ministries https://pcamna.org/get-involved-2/ MNA Ministries
MNA Refugee & Immigrant Ministry https://pcamna.org/refugee-and-immigrant-ministry/ MNA Ministry
MNA SecondCareer https://pcamna.org/second-career/ MNA Ministry
MTW France https://www.mtw.org/teams/europe/toulouse-france MTW Ministry
New Growth Press https://newgrowthpress.com/ Publisher
NXTGEN Pastors http://ngpastors.com/ Ministry training for pastors
One Story Ministries https://www.onestoryministries.org/ Publisher
P&R Publishing https://www.prpbooks.com/ Publisher
Parakaleo Church Planting Spouses https://pcamna.org/church-planting/church-planting-ministries/churchplantingwives/ MNA Ministry
PCA Administrative Committee https://www.pcaac.org/ Provides ecclesiastical and administrative functions – Committee of the PCA
The PCA Bookstore https://www.pcabookstore.com/ Bookstore of the PCA
PCA CDM Men’s Ministry https://pcacdm.org/ministries/mens-ministry/ Ministry of CDM
PCA Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) https://pcacdm.org/ Discipleship ministry – Committee of the PCA
PCA Foundation https://pcafoundation.com/ Provides charitable financial services – Agency of the PCA
PCA Historical Center http://pcahistory.org/ Archives and manuscript repository for the PCA
PCA Retirement & Benefits, Inc. https://pcarbi.org/ Provides life and retirement benefits – Agency of the PCA
Presbyterians Protecting Life http://www.ppl.org/ Pro-life ministry
Providence Christian College http://www.providencecc.edu/ College
Publish Glad Tidings http://publishgladtidings.com/ Publisher
Rafiki Foundation, Inc. http://www.rafikifoundation.org/about.aspx African based ministry
Reformation Bible College https://reformationbiblecollege.org/ College
Reformation Heritage Books https://www.heritagebooks.org/ Publisher
Reformation Hope http://reformationhope.org/ Ministry in Haiti
Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary http://www.rpts.edu/ Seminary
Reformed Theological Seminary https://www.rts.edu/ Seminary
Reformed University Fellowship http://www.ruf.org/ College ministry – Committee of the PCA
Ridge Haven http://www.ridgehaven.org/ Retreat Center – Agency of the PCA
Samaritan Ministries https://samaritanministries.org/ Medical ministry
Samaritan’s Purse https://www.samaritanspurse.org/ Ministry provides spiritual and physical aid
Serge https://serge.org/ International mission agency
Sheds of Hope https://shedsofhope.com/ MNA ministry
Shepherding the Next Generation https://www.strongnation.org/shepherding Ministry for families and communities
SHM Architects https://www.shmarchitects.com/ Architectural firm
A Soldier’s Child Foundation https://www.asoldierschild.org/ Ministry for children and families of fallen soldiers
Sports Fan Outreach International https://sfoi.org/ Ministry training to reach sports fans
SRL Seminary/SEMINARIO REFORMADO LATINOAMERICANO https://www.srlseminary.org/ Seminary
Stewardship Technology, Inc. http://stewardshiptechnology.com/ Software company
Teaching Missions International https://teachmi.com/ Ministry training for pastors, missionaries, and teachers
Third Millennium Ministries http://thirdmill.org/ Publisher
Thistlebend Ministries https://www.thistlebend.org/ Mentoring and discipleship resources for women
Trail Life USA https://www.traillifeusa.com/ Christ-centered scouting program
Trinity Center for World Mission http://www.trinitycwm.org/ Ministry to develop churches in Central Africa
Vered Tours http://veredtours.com/ Tour company
Westminster Seminary California https://www.wscal.edu/ Seminary
Westminster Theological Seminary (PA) https://www.wts.edu/ Seminary
WORLD News Group https://world.wng.org/ News from a Christian worldview
World Reformed Fellowship http://wrfnet.org/ Fellowship between Presbyterian and Reformed denominations

This list is in alphabetical order and our sponsors are highlighted according to their sponsorship level: Gold, Silver, or Bronze.

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Suite 105
Lawrenceville, GA 30043



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