Thank you for your work on behalf of the PCA!  If you are working or volunteering on behalf of the PCA AC, you may use this expense form to request reimbursement.

Before incurring any expenses, be sure to fully review all guidelines on the expense form, including receipt needs and reimbursement limits.

We seek to be good stewards of the Lord’s resources – please help us control costs by considering efficiencies and economies when making your travel plans. Please try to be reasonable with your expenses. Receipts are needed for all reimbursements. Itemized restaurant meal receipts (not just credit card signature receipts) are required for meal reimbursements.

Individuals wishing to contribute their expenses to the Administrative Committee may do so by completing the Reimbursement Form and returning it with the “yes” box checked.  A proper receipt will be issued.

Click here to download the current expense form:  EXPENSE FORM

(last updated January 2024)