Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the faithful service of pastors across the PCA.
The PCA Administrative Committee is deeply grateful for the Christ-honoring work of our PCA pastors as they serve their congregations and seek to further the purposes of the Kingdom. We know that you, too, are thankful for the ways God is using your pastor to bless your church.
We are especially thankful that in this year, when pastors and congregations have faced unprecedented challenges due to a worldwide pandemic, so many of our PCA family chose to bless us by not asking us to return their General Assembly registration fees when the GA could not be held. Without this generosity from you, the coordinating work of the Administrative Committee would already be in serious jeopardy. We depend upon those registration fees to coordinate the ministries of the church through the year, and your selfless response was a remarkable statement of your commitment to our Presbyterian distinctives. We are indeed most fitted for Christ’s work when we serve Him together.
We still do not know what the future holds, but we give thanks for the Lord’s sure hand and the understanding of godly leaders throughout His church. Though so many of you are facing health dangers, financial trials, relational stress, isolation, and exhaustion, you chose to think of what is needed to maintain our corporate mission for Christ’s glory. We do not have the resources to thank you adequately, but we have learned of an opportunity for you to bless your pastor, and we want to share it with you.
The National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) has notified the PCA of a generous grant designed to bring encouragement to pastors in these difficult times. The program allows your church to bless your pastor with a $250 gift card. If you would like to express such appreciation, follow these easy steps:
- Share with your congregation the “50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor” list provided in the NAE Bless Your Pastor program found at https://blessyourpastor.org/.
- Take up an appreciation offering for your pastor. If your church raises at least $50 as an appreciation gift, your pastor is qualified to receive the gift card.
- Complete and submit the gift card form provided at https://blessyourpastor.org/.
You can take advantage of this opportunity in October, in November, at Christmas, or for your pastor’s birthday. There is no set month or season, but the grant is only available for senior or solo pastors. Funds are limited – so the earlier you apply, the better.
We thank God for the way He is moving our entire church in Biblical faithfulness and mutual care. So, regardless of what your church does to show appreciation to your pastor, we at the Administrative Committee want to say thank you for your care. Please know that we are praying for those who serve you with those ordinary means of grace (the ministry of the Word, the sacraments, and prayer) that provide such extraordinary blessing to our souls.
Blessings In Christ,
Bryan Chapell, Stated Clerk pro tempore
For the entire Administrative Committee and Staff