Dear PCA Members,
As news and guidance regarding COVID-19 spreads, the AC is working to reduce the exposure of our greatest resource, our people, while maintaining the infrastructure of the PCA. We are experiencing the same fears, frustrations, concerns, and questions that you are in your churches, homes, and businesses. As new information is gathered and guidelines are updated, we want to keep you informed of our work and provide you with resources and encouragement. And we want to answer your questions.
General Assembly – We are hoping to still have General Assembly in June. We are working closely with the host committee and our local contacts and are hopeful that these new measures of increased public confinement and quarantine will help reduce the spread of this disease. We are cautious and do not want to risk infection nor public speculation and condemnation, and will remain ready to make further arrangements if our current plans are not wise in coming months. As decisions are made, we will post them through byFaith online, on our website, and on the General Assembly Facebook page.
The PCA founding fathers made plans and rules for times like these. RAO 10-6 gives authority to the current General Assembly Moderator, the PCA Stated Clerk, and the Administrative Committee to make alternative arrangements in case of extraordinary events or unusual circumstances. While we find ourselves in these extraordinary and unusual times, we believe it is wise to wait, continue gathering counsel and guidance, before making any further decision on the General Assembly. We hope you will pray with us as we make these decisions.
Other Committees leading to General Assembly – We are now planning the upcoming Nominating Committee, Administrative Committee, and Committee on Constitutional Business meetings to meet virtually. While we know that face-to-face meetings are ideal, and we cherish the ability to be in fellowship with our fellow believers while making important decisions on behalf of the PCA, we also believe it wise to heed health and governmental authority wisdom at this time. We are working diligently on preparing platforms and technology that will help make these meetings fruitful.
Our Churches – As many of our church gatherings are reduced, cancelled, or moved online, we grieve and pray with you. We hope that our fellowship will be returned to full force soon, and we are thankful for the many ways technology still allows us to gather, hear the Word preached, and see the Gospel spread.
To aid churches, we have also published some practical considerations for local churches as they make decisions regarding assemblies and activities.