A Letter from Bryan Chapell
Dear PCA Family,
As our Lord calls the Presbyterian Church in America to proclaim his grace to a world polarized by political divisions, cowed by a pandemic, pleading for injustices to end, and reeling from natural disasters, I find myself repeating the prayer of Moses to a faithful God: “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here.” I enter my service as the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America, counting it a great privilege to be asked to help our church pull together for Christ’s purposes, but humbled by the magnitude of that task. Apart from Christ, I know that all my efforts are futile. So, please pray that I would follow the leading of the God who works all things together for good.
Please also give thanks for the decades of faithful service of our outgoing Stated Clerk, Dr. Roy Taylor, who has led our church in critical times for Christ’s witness. I am so grateful that Dr. Taylor has agreed to remain with the Administrative Committee, advising us on crucial matters for the future of our church.
As the local church that loved my wife, Kathy, and me so well for this past decade bid us farewell, we realized that this Covid-19 year has changed ministry in ways we could have never imagined. As a pastor, I was greatly aided by the efforts and counsel of the Administrative Committee I now serve. For the sake of the dear people I pastored, and tens of thousands more like them, please pray such support continues through the care of this Administrative team.
The Administrative Committee serves the whole church by seeking to connect all our ministries in a unified effort to honor our Savior. Some of our efforts involve vital details, such as helping churches find pastors, mediating disputes, providing legal protections, and maintaining vital records. But we are also informing, connecting and enabling the wider church for Christ’s mission by coordinating the work of our General Assembly, providing byFaith magazine for all our people, and offering a listening ear for pastors and leaders seeking counsel through the difficult issues of ministry in a troubled world.
This listening ministry became especially important this past year, as we grieved with you that we could not gather, work, fellowship, and worship together at our General Assembly. Our staff worked tirelessly to change from a “get-ready-to-gather” to a “transition-to-postponement!” phase. Work assignments multiplied, and they will continue to do so, as we now prepare to do two years work in our next Assembly, Lord willing.
Thank you for understanding and supporting the work of this servant-minded ministry. Your supportive prayer and financial contributions for this PCA Administrative Committee help to ensure that the PCA weathers this season well, and that we will follow the Lord who faithfully goes before us.
Serving together,
Dr. Bryan Chapell
Stated Clerk Pro Tempore